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Spotlight on Libby Trainor Parker's New Book Endo Days

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Libby Trainor Parker Endo Days

In a world where many struggle to find their voice and identity, Libby Trainor Parker stands out as a beacon of strength and resilience. A woman of many talents, Libby is a comedian, cabaret performer, journalist, teacher, and author. However, her journey to success was paved with challenges, particularly due to her battle with chronic illnesses, including endometriosis and adenomyosis.

In her newly released book, "Endo Days," Libby candidly shares her life's struggles, triumphs, and mission to advocate for others facing similar battles.

Libby's story began with an arduous search for answers to mysterious health issues that plagued her for decades. It wasn't until she turned 36 years old that she was finally diagnosed with endometriosis, a chronic and incurable illness affecting one in nine people who menstruate.

Through her book, "Endo Days," she courageously opens up about her long journey of medical gaslighting and the obstacles she faced before obtaining an accurate diagnosis.

Having experienced the frustration of delayed diagnosis and limited awareness of endometriosis firsthand, Libby became a staunch advocate for change. She dedicated her life to educating others about the condition, lobbying for funding for endometriosis learning programs, and raising awareness on a national scale. Through her efforts, she successfully introduced education on endometriosis into schools, empowering young people to recognise the signs and seek help early.

While "Endo Days" focuses primarily on Libby's experience with endometriosis, her journey encompasses even more. She openly discusses her battles with fertility and the acceptance of not being able to have a biological child of her own. Furthermore, she shares her recent diagnosis of ADHD, emphasising the importance of breaking down stigmas surrounding mental health.

Libby Trainor Parker is not just an author and advocate; she is a multi-talented performer and entertainer as well. Her award-winning cabaret performances and stand-up comedy acts have captivated audiences, leaving them both amused and enlightened. Whether she is on stage or speaking at events, Libby brings a unique blend of education, lived experience, and humour to her audience.

Libby's exceptional contributions to the community have earned her accolades, including the prestigious SA Woman of the Year 2021 (Allrounder Award). She served on the Board of Pelvic Pain Foundation Australia and played a significant role in the Australian Coalition for Endometriosis (ACE), where she actively advised on the National Action Plan for Endometriosis.

Libby Trainor Parker's journey from a young woman battling chronic pain to a successful author, performer, and advocate is nothing short of inspiring. Through her book "Endo Days," she invites readers into her world, sharing her struggles, victories, and the unyielding determination that led her to become a force for change in the realm of endometriosis advocacy.

With her candid approach and heartfelt storytelling, Libby continues to make a lasting impact on the lives of those affected by chronic illness and disability. "Endo Days" is not just a book; it's a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the strength that comes from sharing our stories.

Endometriosis is a painful disorder where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows outside the uterus, causing inflammation and chronic pain.

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